1 Jul 2022
What is P4SP? Check out our flyer below to access our expertise
What is P4SP?
Partnerships for Social Protection (P4SP) is a four year, AUD18 million Australian Government program that supports governments in Pacific island countries and Timor-Leste to strengthen their national social protection systems.
Through these systems, P4SP works to support community and economic wellbeing, particularly following COVID-19, and helps build resilience to future shocks.
P4SP supports networking, learning and knowledge sharing across the region, grounded in experience and evidence from the Pacific and Timor-Leste.
What can P4SP offer?
P4SP provides tailored support to strengthen national social protection systems through:
- Short- or long-term advisors who work alongside partner governments to build and strengthen inclusive and sustainable social protection systems
- Specialist on-call technical assistance from our network of over 70 global experts spanning:
- Social protection policy (including integration with disability, ageing populations, children, social services, health and nutrition, livelihoods and labour markets, climate change and humanitarian responses)
- Financing and fiscal management for social protection
- Governance and strengthening institutional capacity
- Social protection operations (including Management Information Systems, financial inclusion, and payments)
- Economic analysis, modelling and undertaking simulations
- Ensuring gender equality, disability and social inclusion are considered and promoted in social protection policies and programs
- The role of social protection in relation to climate change
- Monitoring and evaluation of social protection programs and policies.
- Research and analysis to help improve understanding of social protection in the region
- Training, learning, and networking opportunities, in-country and across the region
- Partnerships, advocacy and policy dialogue with partner governments, civil society organisations and other development partners
- Supporting the piloting of new initiatives and helping procure and implement solutions to improve the delivery of social protection programs.