More Resources

To explore further information on social protection, check out these resources.

Watch Now

UNESCAP policy series on inclusive social protection systems. Complete the following self-paced online training from UNESCAP that covers:

  • Designing and Implementing Inclusive Social Protection Systems
  • Towards Universal Social Protection for Children
  • Protecting Men and Women of Working Age
  • Extending Social Protection for Older Persons
  • Looking at the Impact of Social Protection Schemes

Watch these short videos on SP from UNESCAP:

Read the UNESCAP policy papers:

Read now

Explore the website

Explore now

Complete the Social Protection Primer course from IDS

Access Course

You can also contact us at the P4SP website

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We hope you have enjoyed this self-guided learning opportunity.

For more information about Partnerships for Social Protection, or other training opportunities, please visit the P4SP website for details

Visit the P4SP website.